Two Repurposed Orphreys from France

It is well enough known that in the history of vestments, we will frequently find examples of earlier vestments which have been cut back. In addition to this, however, it is also common to see medieval and Renaissance orphreys which have been saved (no doubt from earlier vestments which have deteriorated) and repurposed by being re-attached to a new base vestment.

Recently I came across two examples, both coming from France -- one from Reims and one from Paris -- which show just such a thing. I found the two examples really rather striking, both for the quality of the embroidery and also the way in which they have been re-integrated into textiles of a later vintage. The end result is quite good I think.

The first example comes from the Palais du Tau in Reims, France. 

Source: Wikipedia, Benjamin Guvaudo

Source: WikipediaBenjamin Guvaudo

Source: WikipediaBenjamin Guvaudo

Further details of the embroideries can be found here

The second example comes from the Archdiocese of Paris  and is known as the chasuble of Saint-Louis en l'Île. Regrettably I have little more information than this. 

© Claire Pignol

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