The Arfe Custodia: A Masterpiece in Silver and Gold
Rare Medieval Liturgica: The Exsultet Roll
Revisiting Principles of Tasteful Floral Arrangement for Easter
A Recent Performance of Native American Abenaki Polyphony
Sacristy Tips: Making Paschal Candle Incense Grains
Pierre Lebrun: On the Priest's Preparation
(This article is cross-posted on Canticum Salomonis and is taken from Pierre Lebrun's 1716 Explication littérale historique et dogmatique des prières et des cérémonies de la Messe )
On the Priest’s Preparation as Noted in the Rubrics
Explanation of th…
Ancient and Contemporary: The Douai Abbey Rose Chasuble
Vestments from the Sacristeum of the Imperial Cathedral of Frankfurt
Renovation of the Kenrick-Glennon Seminary Chapel
The Importance of Liturgical Beauty
Shades of Rosacea II: Some Further Eighteenth Century Examples
Chalice by Barkentin and Krall
The Indian Mass in the Modern Parish (Part One)
John Coates-Carter: A Little Known Arts and Crafts Architect
The Lenten Veil (Velum Quadragesimale) by Henri de Villiers
Lent is a time of fasting. In former times, in order to prepare themselves to live the great mystery of the death and resurrection of Christ, Christians not only fasted from food but also practiced an auditory and visual fast.
Auditory privation took the form of suppressing…