Interesting Images of Liturgical Ceremonial and Art from a Medieval-Renaissance Era Codex

Interesting Images of Liturgical Ceremonial and Art from a Medieval-Renaissance Era Codex Recently I came across a rather interesting manuscript that shows various images of medieval/renaissance liturgical life, treasure and dress. In addition to these primary benefits, there is also something particularly evocative about the style of the drawings (at least in m…

Lesser Seen Vestment Works of the English Gothic Revivalist, Sir Ninian Comper

 Lesser Seen Vestment Works of the English Gothic Revivalist, Sir Ninian Comper Certain works of liturgical art are frequently seen, published repetitively, over and over, and the works of Sir Ninian Comper are no different in this regard. We often see certain select works coming out of his catalogue of work, but beyond that we are treated to very litt…

Notes on the Gremiale

Notes on the Gremiale The 'gremiale' is one of those rarely seen liturgical textiles -- rarely seen because it's use in modern times has primarily (but not exclusively) been limited to the context of solemn pontifical occasions such as the solemn pontifical Mass.  This was primarily …

A Quick Survey the Work of Konrad Perathoner of Consilium Domum Deo

A Quick Survey the Work of Konrad Perathoner of Consilium Domum Deo Konrad Perathoner is a 55 year old artist and sculptor who presently lives in Rome and whose work can be found by way of Consilium Domum Deo - Koni .  What particularly drew our attention to his work are the monumental sketches of altars and altar pieces, remarkable in their…

Another Repurposed Space Turned into a Chapel in Tyler, Texas

Another Repurposed Space Turned into a Chapel in Tyler, Texas Awhile back we shared news around the transformation of a former dining hall to a beautiful chapel . That project involved the efforts of, amongst others, Little Way Construction . While researching that piece, I came across images of another similar sort of project they were…

The Polyptych of the Virgin in the Golden Chapel of San Zaccaria in Venice

The Polyptych of the Virgin in the Golden Chapel of San Zaccaria in Venice Venice is filled with architectural treasures, textile treasures and artistic treasures generally, and to date we've shared some overviews of some of the more important churches of this wonderful northern Italian city, however today I wanted to focus in on one specific …

Three Red Crucifixion Chasubles from the 1400's-1500's

Three Red Crucifixion Chasubles from the 1400's-1500's Chasubles from the later 1400's and 1500's are always quite of interest for reason of their ornate textiles and embroideries. Today we're going to quickly look at three chasubles coming from this period, each of which have a scene of the crucifixion in a raised …