Three Handcarved, Contemporary Wooden Sculptures of St. Patrick

With it being St. Patrick's Day today, I thought we would explore a few of the liturgical arts surrounding the saint of this popular feast day, focusing on some of the contemporary sculptural work of the saint by three workshops: Mussner G. Vinczeno Ars Sacra, ALBL Oberammergau and Ferdinand Stuflesser. 

All of these works are original, wood-carved works let it be noted; no plaster or resin to be found here. Stylistically, each are slightly different than the other. The first has a slightly more baroque look and feel to it, the second slightly an almost Romanesque character in terms of its stoicism, and finally the last sits somewhere in between of a slightly more medieval feel.

Statue by Mussner G. Vincenzo Ars Sacra

Statue by ALBL Oberammergau

Statue by Ferdinand Stuflesser

For those of you looking for more "Irish themed" content for today, you may also be interested in our article on vestments of the Celtic revival

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