Other Modern: Christ the King Church (Kristus Konungen) in Gothenburg, Sweden

Touching back upon our occasional series, The Other Modern, which focuses upon modern styles of liturgical art and architecture that are characterized by some deeper connection with the classical tradition (or to put it another way, "modernity" rather than "modernism"), I today wished to draw our readers' attention to parish of Christ the King in Gothenburg, Sweden.

The church structure in question dates from 1938 after the previous 19th century structure had to be abandoned due to structural problems.  For those familiar with the history of the Liturgical Movement, this period of it, sitting in the first half to he twentieth century, presented some of its greatest highlights and most important contributions where liturgical art and architecture are concerned. Certainly this church would sit as one of those contribution in my estimation. Regrettably, I can provide no information as to the artist or artists as information around this seems scarce.

Regardless it is worth a look, beginning with some celebrations of the usus antiquior which have taken place here in recent years.

The church setup this Advent for a Rorate Mass. 
A Requiem Mass
If we step back, we can see a broader view of the church proper. Readers will no doubt note the striking character of the mural / mosaic work of the sanctuary and how it lends itself to the dignity of the sacred liturgy and emphasizes the centrality of the altar upon which the sacrifice is offered.

Another view of the sanctuary art, but slightly closer, shows how the art envelopes the sanctuary, setting it apart from the nave of the church as well:

Here. too, are some better views of the works seen to either side of the sanctuary:

Of course, our readers are always particularly interested to see what churches such as these were like prior to the post-conciliar renovations of the 1970's and we are only too happy to be able to oblige by showing the following historical images, beginning with the high altar:

One can see here how the altar was set nicely upon its traditional steps and predella which both accentuated the place of the altar and also excellently integrated it with the artistic works behind. It is perhaps not to much to hope that that this elegant and hieratic arrangement might one day soon be recovered. 
Do take note here as well of the original light fixtures. In the contemporary photos one will notice some damage to the walls. These photos show them in tact. 
One can see here the traditional arrangement of the sedilia. A similar arrangement is found still today. 
Here are a few closer details of the main sanctuary artworks:

Christ the King
Unknown -- however I would wonder if this is not intended to represent St. Bridget of Sweden
St. Sigfrid of Sweden
Finally, here is a video showing the usus antiquior celebrated in this church which best shows they all integration of sacred art, sacred architecture and sacred liturgy:

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