The Spanish "El Bonete Español" Biretta

Our good friend Fr. Pablo Santa Maria, born in New Spain, wears the Spanish "bonete" biretta in this photo.  This style of biretta is common to the Spanish Empire, a fine example of authentic "inculturation" in the liturgy.  A biretta in this fashion brings to mind images and paintings of St. Ignatius of Loyola.  As a side note, the photo also depicts a Spanish cut of the Roman style chasuble.

Below is an image of the Spanish biretta seen with the contrast of the Roman biretta (with French pom-pom) on display at the Convent of the Comendadoras of the Holy Spirit in the north of Spain near Pamplona.  The Spanish style biretta, particular to Spain and her colonies, has pre-Tridentine origins and recalls the distinctive bold witness of Spanish Catholicism.  Even bishops and canons wear them.  The Spanish biretta is customarily made both with and without the pom-pom, seen here

For more images of the Spanish biretta, see the famous Philippi Collection in Germany.  The Spanish biretta, hand-made in the traditional style, is available for purchase from the Spanish atelier Santarrufina in Madrid.

A final photo from the Cathedral of Vancouver with clergy from the historic Spanish colonies of New Spain and the Philippines.  

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