In Spanish America many haciendas in the Mexican countryside have private house chapels. Pictured here is an example, set up in a converted room. Mass is celebrated early before the heat of the day sets in, occasionally offered by a priest in the family. This is a worthy old Spanish tradition. Sometimes, with special permission, the Blessed Sacrament can be reserved in the tabernacle, although this is rare. Onsight management of the rural estate maintains the altar and chapel, placing fresh flowers on the altar and keeping things clean and tidy. A small permanent workforce is generally present at most haciendas. The chapel is generally reserved to the family, or patron, for private devotions.
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» A Rare Glimpse: Hacienda Private House Chapel in Mexico
A Rare Glimpse: Hacienda Private House Chapel in Mexico

John Paul Sonnen
J.P. Sonnen is an author, history docent, educator and travel writer. His graduate degrees are from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome, Italy.