Building upon yesterday's consideration of some new work by Pluriarte, today I wanted to turn your attention to some recent vestment work from Sacra Domus Aurea who LAJ readers will already be quite familiar with. This particular designer has produced quite a bit of new work since we last checked in with them, so let's dive right in and share a sampling of what they've been up to recently.
The first piece is a detail from the hood of a green cope, done in the Italian style, complete with ribbon ties that allow the hood of the cope to be adjusted. I'm personally always rather fond of the sort of detailing -- also seen as ties on dalmatics and tunicles.
In a similar vein is this dalmatic and tunicle which was executed in a Spanish style by request of those who commissioned it. You can see here the aforementioned ties on the neck/shoulders and arms.

Next we have a white and gold brocade chasuble done with a French cross and an embroidered IHS monogram.
This white/gold floral offering would be particularly well suited to Eastertide and Marian feasts, adding a splash of festive, floral colour that is particularly apropos to those times of the liturgical year:
For those whose tastes lean more toward gothic revival, you may find Sacra Domus Aurea's recent violet offering of some interest. I particularly like the way the ophreys have been handled here; thinner and also utilizing some colour beyond gold -- green in this instance -- which is very much in the gothic tradition.
Turning back to the baroque form, next we have a green chasuble done in the French style, complete with stemma (arms) of a prelate and the symbol of the Holy Spirit.
Also with a French cross is this offering which mixes a white/gold brocade with red velvet and a highly detailed IHS monogram.
In a similar vein was this offering which utilized the symbol of the Sacred Heart instead of the IHS, and also included a set of embroidered diocesan arms:
Finally, with All Souls Day approaching I would be remiss to not show this black cope they recently produced. The cope is made from black velvet as well as a black and antique gold brocade. On the hood of the cope is a traditional 'memento mori' -- tempus fugit. Needless to say these are rare to see executed but it is good to see such symbols being revived in contemporary vestment work.
For more information, please visit Sacra Domus Aurea on social media.