The Historical Recreation of Fifteenth Century Cope Design by Atelier Sirio

An approach to sacred vestments that frequently finds a great deal of popular interest is when the design is focused on recreating an historical work and today's example. coming from Atelier Sirio is just such a work. 

The vestment in question is a cope which takes its direct design inspriation from a late fifteenth century painting by Vittore Crivelli, the “Madonna with Child with San Basso and San Sebastian.”

The design in question is specifically focused on the cope worn by S. Basso of Lucera, a first century martyr and bishop with the goal of the design being to reproduce it as faithfully as possible in a contemporary vestment -- which, I think our readers will agree, was quite successfully achieved:

The cope itself is made from modern materials, with gold machine embroidery set onto blue for the orphreys, creating an eye-catching end result. 

Not to be overlooked in the design are the beautiful textures found on the orphrey.

An elegant and noble vestment.

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