An Impressive Tabernacle and Candlesticks Hand Carved and Gilt by Spanish Craftsmen

The brotherhood of the Real y Muy Ilustre Cofradía de Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno (the Royal and Most Illustrious Brotherhood of Our Father Jesus the Nazarene) recently unveiled a newly carved set of candlesticks, cross and tabernacle of particularly exquisite beauty and quality. 

While one might think the set is made of metal, it is in fact entirely carved in cedarwood that has then been gilt (and for those familiar with the churches of Europe and their various treasures, one will know that this is entirely typical). Various artists and craftsmen were involved the design and execution of project, with Don Santiago Rodríguez being the primary designer of the tabernacle and candlesticks, while its carving was completed by the father and son team of Antonio and Daniel Ibáñez.  

In their description of the work, the Brotherhood rightly comment that "Divine worship requires appropriate furnishings to serve as thrones of His Divine Majesty. That is why no effort has been spared to achieve the very best that one can offer to the Lord..."   Quality, beauty and nobility are indeed the genuine hallmarks of any true liturgical art, and that is an art that can neither be rushed, nor should it ever see corners cut given its lofty purpose. Certainly that is the case here with this magnificent set.

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