Further Examples of Coverings for Liturgical Books

We have spoken here before of the lost art of the liturgical book coverings and today I am pleased to be able to present a few more examples, all taken from the diocese of Savona in Liguria. Liturgical book coverings function much in the way antependia do insofar as they 'vest' liturgical books in the liturgical colour of the day. Details such as these come from a time and place that was much more conscientious about the fullness and beauty of the sacred liturgy -- and in this regard, there are many poignant lessons we can take from this today, particularly in a time frequently characterized liturgical minimalism and functionalism. 

The examples here are all dated to the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, most of which bear the arms of the respective prelates for whom they were made (as most frequently such coverings appeared within the context of the particular solemnity of the solemn pontifical Mass). 

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