Two Embroidered Mitres by the Poor Clares of Mazamet, France

As part of our final considerations of the embroidery work of the Poor Clares of Mazamet, France, I'd like to turn our readers considerations toward some of the mitres they produced.  These mitres are characterized by a great depth and richness of colour and fall within the medieval tradition. 

The first example, shown below, is dated to 1925. This particular mitre was produced for Mgr. Challiol, bishop of Rodez and Vabres. Shown on the front of the mitre is the Virgin surrounded by choirs of angels. 

On the back of the mitre is a depiction of St. Charles Borromeo (which is originally depicted on an altar in the church of Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet in Paris). The saint is shown with his bloodied feet exposed -- the result of his leading penitential processions in Milan in 1576 during the plague.  On the inside of the lappets are two angels with trumpets and the stemma of the bishop beneath. 

The second mitre is that of Mgr. Moussaron, made in 1930.  On the front of the mitre are various scenes of the Virgin including the Annunciation and Nativity, as well as images of St. Joseph, St. Luke and St. John. 

On the other side of the mitre we find scenes of Adoration of the Magi and the Adoration of the Shepherds as well as images of St. Clare, St. Peter, St. Mark and St. Matthew. On the interior of the lappets are two regional saints. 

Suffice it to say, the colours, depth and quality of the embroideries are exquisite. 

Photos: M. Kérignard © General inventory Occitanie Region

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