Modern Saints and Blesseds in Sculpture

Talk to most any sculptor and carver and I suspect they will tell you that the most difficult saints and blesseds to sculpt are not the saints of centuries ago of whom no photographic images exist, it is rather the moderns who are visible in photographs, videos and the like. With these images there is much less forgiveness because many have their true image embedded into their memories.  Today I wanted to share some of the efforts of Mussner G. Vincenzo to tackle this difficult enterprise. What I particularly like about their work is that it lacks all the "Art Saint Sulplice" qualities that we, and others, have often criticized. These works are not characterized by a saccharine sentimentalism but rather come across as vigorous and more objective.

Bl. Bartolo Longo
Bl. Solanus Casey
Bl. Andre Bessette
St. Pio of Pietrelcina
Bl. Basil Moreau
St. Ludovico of Casoria
St. Maximillan Kolbe

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